Beginning in 2019, School and City Elections will be combined and held in November of odd-numbered years. A City election is used to elect the Mayor and Council Members and any other elected city officials. A School Election is an election to select School Board members for school districts within Louisa County.
Candidate List
indicates incumbent
Columbus City Mayor Vote for no more than one
David D. Kauffman
Columbus City Council Vote for no more than two
Ron Cutkomp
Kalina Deese
Columbus Junction Mayor Vote for no more than one
T. Mark Huston
Columbus Junction City Council Vote for no more than two
Dates and Deadlines
August 23 to September 16: Candidate Filing Period
August 24 First Day to accept absentee ballot requests for the regular city/school election
October 13 First Day to vote Absentee in the Auditor's office
October 18: Pre-registration deadline and mailed absentee ballot request deadline.
November 2: Election Day; Polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The combined city and school election will be held on November 2, 2021. School districts vote for school board member candidates. Cities will have city councilpersons and mayor positions on the ballot.
This webpage was printed on September 11, 2024. For the most current election-related information, visit the ".$clientCounty." County, Iowa, Elections website at